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Table 1 ECPR inclusion criteria selected for analysis

From: The effect of restrictive versus liberal selection criteria on survival in ECPR: a retrospective analysis of a multi-regional dataset

  1. *At the time of randomization in the field, patients were excluded if they had an anticipated time from cardiac arrest to start of cannulation of > 60 min. However, once in the emergency department, patients already randomized were not excluded if > 60 min at point of cannulation
  2. **No prescribed time limit however < 60 min was based on sum of mean times: call to ambulance arrival (6 min) + EMS scene time (22 min) + inclusion criteria < 30 min transport time, therefore approximately 60 min cut off. Other logistical criteria: able to fit CPR device and exclusion if cath lab unavailable or absolute CI to emergent angiography (contrast allergies; active GI or internal bleeding)
  3. ***Metabolic exclusion criteria (applied after randomization but ECMO not initiated) two or more of the following: end-tidal CO2 < 10 mm Hg, PaO2 < 50 mm Hg or oxygen saturation < 85%, and lactate > 18 mmol/L
  4. ****Physician discretion regarding timing, informal < 45 min to achieve target of ECMO support by 60 min; a mechanical CPR device needed to be available
  5. *****Variations of the definition of end-stage disease (or similar wording) are listed in the appendix (Additional file 1: Table A1)
  6. Shaded squares represent not specified characteristics