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Table 1 Characteristics of the study population and EMS contacts. The infants transported and not transported by ambulance were compared using Mann-Whitney U test for age and Fisher’s test for other variables

From: Why do infants need out-of-hospital emergency medical services? A retrospective, population-based study


All infants encountered alive N = 1710

Infants not transported by ambulance N = 1027

Infants transported by ambulance N = 683


Age (months) median (IQR)

6.7 (2.81–9.47)

7 (3.4–9.53)

6 (2.07–9.29)

< 0.01

Sex (males)

894 (52.4%)

536 (52.3%)

358 (52.5%)


SpO2 measured OOH

957 (56.0%)

531 (51.7%)

426 (62.4%)

< 0.01

Heart rate measured OOH

1007 (58.9%)

573 (55.8%)

434 (63.5%)

< 0.01

Respiratory rate measured OOH

577 (33.7%)

352 (34.3%)

225 (32.9%)


Temperature measured OOH

994 (58.1%)

533 (51.9%)

461 (67.5%)

< 0.01

Blood glucose measured OOH

343 (20.1%)

149 (14.5%)

194 (28.4%)

< 0.01

Blood pressure measured OOH

445 (26.0%)

235 (22.9%)

210 (30.7%)

< 0.01

GCS measured OOH

498 (29.1%)

327 (31.8%)

171 (25.0%)

< 0.01

No measurements OOH

256 (15.0%)

171 (16.7%)

85 (12.4%)


I.v. access inserted OOH

2 (0.1%)

0 (0.0%)

2 (0.3%)


Lungs auscultated OOH

561 (32.8%)

344 (33.5%)

217 (31.8%)


Time of day



465 (27.2%)

281 (27.4%)

184 (26.9%)



770 (45.0%)

451 (43.9%)

319 (46.7%)



475 (27.8%)

295 (28.7%)

180 (26.4%)


Most common symptom codes

< 0.01


471 (27.5%)

262 (25.5%)

209 (30.6%)

  “Fall (low energy)”

322 (18.8%)

241 (23.5%)

81 (11.9%)


144 (8.4%)

117 (11.4%)

27 (4.0%)

Priority class for dispatch

< 0.01


55 (3.2%)

16 (1.6%)

39 (5.7%)


789 (46.1%)

416 (40.5%)

373 (54.6%)


820 (48.0%)

558 (54.3%)

262 (38.4%)


46 (2.7%)

37 (3.6%)

9 (1.3%)

Most common diagnoses at EDb


 J06.9 “Common cold”

83 (24.6%)

21 (26.9%)

62 (23.9%)

 J04.0 “Laryngitis”

54 (16.0%)

17 (21.8%)

37 (14.3%)

 R56.8 “Seizure”

61 (18.1%)

12 (15.4%)

49 (18.9%)

 R68.1 “Infant with nonspecific symptoms”

49 (14.5%)

8 (10.3%)

41 (15.8%)

 Z03.9 “Observation”

49 (14.5%)

11 (14.1.%)

38 (14.7%)

 S06.0 “Concussion”

41 (12.2%)

9 (11.5%)

32 (12.4%)

 1-year mortality

1 (0.1%)

0 (0.0%)

1 (0.1%)


 PICU admissions

28 (3.2%)

2 (1.0%)a

26 (3.8%)


 Medical state other than good upon arrival at ED

91 (11.1%)a

11 (5.7%)a

80 (12.8%)


 Any medication or respiratory support given at ED

386 (47.2%)a

82 (42.3%)a

304 (48.8%)



336 (19.8%)a

51 (26.3%)a

285 (41.7%)

< 0.01

 Surgical procedures during the same visit

18 (2.1%)a

2 (1.0%)a

16 (2.3%)


  1. SpO2 Peripheral oxygen saturation, ED Emergency department, GCS Glasgow Coma Scale, I.v. Intravenous, OOH Out-of-hospital, PICU Pediatric intensive care unit
  2. aIn proportion to those infants who visited ED within 72 h
  3. b The full names of the ICD-10 diagnoses are shown in the Additional file 1