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Table 4 OR and 95% CI for LT-BI based on pSBP (A) and pHR (B)

From: Impact of Cushing’s sign in the prehospital setting on predicting the need for immediate neurosurgical intervention in trauma patients: a nationwide retrospective observational study


Adjusted OR (95% CI)



pSBP ≤ 99

0.78 (0.64–0.95)


100 ≤ pSBP ≤ 139

1.00 (reference)


140 ≤ pSBP ≤ 179

1.68 (1.47–1.94)


180 ≤ pSBP

3.21 (2.70–3.81)



pHR ≤ 59

1.67 (1.37–2.03)


60 ≤ pHR ≤ 99

1.00 (reference)


100 ≤ pHR ≤ 139

0.90 (0.78–1.03)


140 ≤ pHR

1.20 (0.85–.1.70)


  1. Variables in the model were age, gender, chest AIS score (≥4 vs. <4), abdomen AIS score (≥4 vs. <4), and extremity AIS score (≥4 vs. <4), considering the patients with pSBP of 100 to 139 mmHg (A) and pHR of 60 to 99 mmHg (B) as the reference group, respectively
  2. OR odds ratio, CI confidence interval, LT-BI life-threatening brain injuries requiring immediate neurosurgical intervention, pSBP systolic blood pressure in the prehospital setting, pHR heart rate in the prehospital setting, AIS Abbreviated Injury Scale