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Table 1 Patient characteristics at admission to emergency department, or within 24 h of admission (24 h survival, and ≥1 PRBC). Data shown is median (IQR) unless otherwise stated

From: Prothrombin time is predictive of low plasma prothrombin concentration and clinical outcome in patients with trauma hemorrhage: analyses of prospective observational cohort studies


Database 1


n = 358a

Database 2


n = 331b

Men, n (%)

288 (80%)

259 (78%)

Age, years

35 (23–50)

43 (27–56)

Time from injury, minutes

76 (58–101)

75 (55–120)

Glasgow Coma Score (GCS)

15 (14, 15)

11 (6–15)

Injury Severity Score

13 (5–27)

34 (24–45)

Systolic BP, mmHg

132 (110–150)

120 (100–140)

Temp, °C

35.8 (35.1–36.5)

35.0 (34.2–36.0)


0.4 (0.37–0.43)

0.34 (0.28–0.38)

Platelets, 109/L

233 (194–273)

170 (139–203)

Hb, g/dL

13.8 (12.5–14.9)

11.6 (9.5–13.1)


94 (82–104)

68 (56–81)

Factor VII, IU/dL

94 (76–118)

83 (50–98)

Factor X, IU/dL

96 (82–112)

69 (46–88)

24 h survival, n (%)

347, (97%)

308, (92%)

≥1 PRBC units, n (%)

104 (29%)

148 (44%)

Prothrombin, IU/dL

93 (77–105)

68 (55–86)

Fibrinogen, g/L

2.2 (1.7–2.7)

2.1 (1.6–2.6)

EXTEM CT, seconds

62 (50–77)

63 (55–74)


60 (56–63)

52 (46–57)

PT, seconds

11.1 (10.6–11.8)

14.9 (13.1–17.0)

  1. aAt most 6% missing values in any variable except for Time from injury, Temp, and GCS which had 10, 36 and 44% missing values respectively
  2. bFactor VII, Factor X and Prothrombin were missing in 86% of the subjects, Time from injury and Temp in 20 and 62%, respectively. The rest of the variables had missing values in at most 4% of the 331 subjects