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Table 1 Patients

From: Effects of red blood cell transfusion on hemodynamic parameters: a prospective study in intensive care unit patients

Patients’ characteristics

Sex, male, n (%)

22 (65%)

Age, years

59 ± 13

Height, cm

172 ± 8

Body weight, kg

78 (74-90)

Reason for intensive care unit treatment

Liver cirrhosis/acute liver failure, n (%)

13 (38%)

Acute respiratory insufficiency/pneumonia, n (%)

11 (32%)

Severe sepsis/septic multiple organ dysfunction syndrome, n (%)

6 (18%)

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, n (%)

2 (6%)

Other, n (%)

2 (6%)

Clinical characteristics on day of red blood cell transfusion

Therapeutic Intervention Scoring System, points

22 ± 9

Mechanical ventilation, n (%)

23 (68%)

Norepinephrine therapy, n (%)

13 (38%)

  1. Data are presented as absolute and relative frequencies (categorical data), mean ± standard deviation (normally distributed continuous data), or median and 25%-75% percentile range (not normally distributed continuous data).