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Table 1 Data captured from electronic ambulance report forms (eARFs)

From: Idle peripheral intravenous cannulation: an observational cohort study of pre-hospital and emergency department practices

Patient features

PIVC insertion features

Clinician features

Demographics, age, sex

Anatomical insertion site

Years of service

Presenting complaint

Cannula size/gauge

Clinicians scope of practice*

Triage category

Number of insertion attempts

Clinician medal number

Distance from scene to hospital (kms)

Insertion success (yes/no)


Time from scene to hospital (mins)



Time on scene (mins)

PIVC use (yes/no and if yes, what was it used for?)


Time of day

  1. *Clinicians scope of practice refers to the paramedic’s clinical level, paramedics included in the study were student paramedics, advanced care paramedics, critical care paramedics and High Acuity Response (HARU) paramedics
  2. #Arterial puncture/fluid extravasation/haematoma or haemorrhage/venous air embolus