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Table 1 Baseline Characteristics

From: The ROX index as a predictor of standard oxygen therapy outcomes in thoracic trauma


N = 171

Age (years)

48 [31.1–67]

Sex, male, n (%)

134 (78.4)

Chronic respiratory disease, n (%)

12 (7)

Mechanism of Trauma, n (%)

 Road traffic accident

87 (50.8)

 Hit by object

16 (9.3)


62 (36.2)


6 (3.5)

Penetrating trauma, n (%)

6 (3.5)

Isolated chest trauma, n (%)

38 (22.2)

Thoracic intercostal under water sealed drain n (%)

70 (40.9)

Injury severity score (ISS)

20 [13–25]

Abbreviated injury scale (AIS) thorax

4 [3–4]

Thoracic trauma severity score (TTSS)

8 [5–11]

Simplified acute physiology score II (SAPS II)

21 [13–33]

Acute respiratory failure, n (%)

49 (28.6)

Time to intubation (hours)

33 ± 53

Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), n (%)

24 (14)

Prone positioning, n (%)

8 (4.7)

Nitric oxide, n (%)

1 (0.6)

Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, n (%)

2 (1.2)

Length of ICU stay (days)

4 [2–9]

ICU deaths, n (%)

9 (5.3)

  1. Data are expressed as medians [interquartile], counts (percentage) or means ± standard derivation