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Table 1 Verdict of expert panel on items for inclusion as TVAA PHEA KPI

From: Key performance indicators for pre hospital emergency Anaesthesia - a suggested approach for implementation



Suggested inclusion on TVAA PHEA KPI

AAGBI Suggested KPI

Use of SOP and checklist

Standard for all PHEA at TVAA


All team familiar with failed intubation plans

Difficult to measure


Daily equipment check performed

Data not retrievable from EPR


Full monitoring including capnography

Zoll monitor links directly to EPR allowing easy review of these figures


Pre-oxygenation for 3 mins

Difficult to measure


Intubation by experienced airway provider

All those providing PHEA at TVAA should be “experienced” as they will be either consultants or a minimum of ST4 in either Emergency Medicine or Anaesthesia


No decrease of more than 20% in SBP

Zoll monitor links directly to EPR allowing easy review of these figures


No decrease in Sa0 2 below 90% or fall of > 10% below starting value

Zoll monitor links directly to EPR allowing easy review of these figures


No more than 2 attempts before success

The ‘RSI’ tab on the EPR includes this data, therefore easily measureable


Position of tube maintained and confirmed with capnography

Easily measured as Zoll monitor links directly to EPR


Adequate anaesthesia maintained

Difficult to define but TVAA SOPs suggest a continuous infusion of sedative via an infusion pump at a rate suitable for the patient


Cardiovascular stability maintained

Zoll monitor links directly to EPR allowing easy review of these figures


Ventilation titrated to ETCO 2

Difficult to measure


Other KPIs that were considered

PHEA within 45 min of call

NICE standard for trauma.

Also recommended in ref. 1


Indication for PHEA documented

The “RSI” tab on the EPR includes this data, therefore easily measureable

Also recommended in ref. 1.


Grade of view

Cormack Lehane grade of view should be < 3. Consensus opinion by expert group to detect patterns potentially due to poor intubating technique.
