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Table 3 Time components of total ED length of stay

From: Independent determinants of prolonged emergency department length of stay in a tertiary care centre: a prospective cohort study


Number (%)

Median time (IQR)


All included patients

1434 (100)

156 (98–225)

Waiting time (min) (2)

10 (3–27)

Time until seen by physician (min) (410)

9 (1–29)

Blood testing

916 (64)

191 (139–256)

 Time between patient registration and start analysing blood (min)

23 (14–40)

 Time between start blood analysing and test result is registered in HIS (min)

69 (53–101)

Urine testing

299 (21)

217 (163–291)

 Time between patient registration and start analysing urine (min) (123)

82 (34–120)

 Time between start urine analysing and test result is registered in HIS (min) (123)

29 (18–53)

Radiology imaging

686 (48)

195 (136–270)

 Time between patient registration and radiology request (min)

39 (17–82)

 Time between radiology request and test result registered in HIS (min)

37 (20–65)


366 (26)

222 (155–294)

 Time between patient registration and consultation request (min) (113)


70 (39–106)

 Time between consultation request and examination of the patient by the consulted specialist (min) (191)


26 (11–47)

Diagnostic testing or consultation

1123 (78)

177 (129–242)

 Time between finishing last diagnostic testing or consultation and ED discharge (min) (23)

48 (20–88)

  1. Time components of total ED length of stay are presented as median (IQR) and categorical data are presented as frequency (%). The ED LOS of each subgroup of the total population is shown
  2. In total, 796 (56%) patients had diagnostic tests of which 193 (24%) patients had advanced triage, known as starting diagnostic testing before entering the ED room. In 116 patients, the median time between starting of the blood analysis and entering ED room was 23 min (IQR 9–54). Likewise, urine analysis started in 8 patients and radiology imaging started in 78 patients before entering ED room. The median times and IQR were respectively, 12 min (2–22) and 20 min (11–40). The urine analysis was not finished in 9 patients before admission and the blood analysis was not finished in 68 patients before admission. In these patients the times between finishing diagnostic testing and ED discharge were negative
  3. Abbreviations: ED Emergency Department, LOS Length of Stay, HIS Hospital Information System