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Fig. 1 | Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine

Fig. 1

From: Emergency management of patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction in Eastern Austria: a descriptive quality control study

Fig. 1

Prehospital reperfusion strategies (ESC Guidelines 2017). Legend: Modes of patient presentation, components of ischaemia time and flowchart for reperfusion strategy selection. EMS = Emergency Medical System; FMC = First Medical Contact; PCI = Percutaneous Coronary Intervention; STEMI = ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction. The recommended mode of patient presentation is by alerting the EMS (call national emergency number: 112 or similar number according to region). When STEMI diagnosis is made in the out-of-hospital setting (via EMS) or in a non-PCI centre, the decision for choosing reperfusion strategy is based on the estimated time from STEMI diagnosis to PCI-mediated reperfusion (wire crossing). System delay for patients alerting the EMS starts at the time of phone alert, although FMC occurs when EMS arrives to the scene. ´denotes minutes. aPatients with fibrinolysis should be transferred to a PCI centre immediately after administration of the lytic bolus. From: Eur Heart J. Published online August 26, 2017. doi: With permission of Oxford Academic Journals, obtained Jan 30, 2018 (License number 4278940402904)

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