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Table 5 Correlation between demand, job control, social support and job strain and age of the residents and faculty physicians

From: Occupational stress experienced by residents and faculty physicians on night shifts



Job-control, p

Social support, p

Job strain, p

Resident age

k = 0.05,>.05

k = 0.001,>.05

k = 0.04,>.05

k = 0.007,>.05

Faculty physician age

k = −0.09,>.05

k = 0.2,<.01

k = 0.08, >.05

k = −0.2,<.01

  1. Statistically significant correlation was not detected between the age and demand, job control, social support and job strain, for the residents. Statistically significant weak positive correlation was detected between the age and job control, and a weak negative correlation between age and job strain, for the faculty physicians