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Table 1 Characteristics of the participating emergency departments and hospitals

From: Nurses’ accuracy and self-perceived ability using the Emergency Severity Index triage tool: a cross-sectional study in four Swiss hospitals


Hospital A

Hospital B

Hospital C

Hospital D

Number of beds





Level of care

urban, tertiary-care hospital

secondary care hospital

urban, tertiary-care hospital

secondary care hospital

Annual ED census





Triage team

17 nurses

19 nurses

53 nurses

12 nurses

Qualification requirements for triage nurses

Postgraduate emergency nursing educationa OR many years of professional ED experience AND triage training (see below)

Nurses with or without postgraduate emergency nursing educationa, at least six month experience in emergency nursing AND triage training (see below)

Postgraduate emergency nursing educationa OR Many years of professional ED experience, more than 4 years of experience in acute nursing AND triage training (see below)

Postgraduate emergency nursing educationa AND triage training (see below)

Introduction of the ESI





Experience with the ESI in daily practice, months (min-max)

32 (2–48)

11 (7–11)

12 (4–14)

23 (10–30)


Three hours of training in ESI application, with supervision by an experienced ESI user, for each nurse’s first day of implementation of the ESI tool. Four times annually, refreshing the knowledge in team meetings by discussing cases.

Four hours of training in ESI application, with supervision by an experienced ESI user, for each nurse’s first day of implementation of the ESI tool

Four hours of training in ESI application, and, once a month, participation in a triage workshop.

Three hours of training in ESI application, with supervision by an experienced ESI user, for each nurse’s first day of implementation of the ESI tool

  1. Characteristics of the participating hospitals, the training and qualification requirements for triage nurses, year of introduction of ESI triage, the duration of nurses’ experience with the ESI, and ongoing ESI training is displayed
  2. aComprises similar postgraduate education, such as intensive care or anesthesia nursing