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Table 1 Patients’ characteristics and reason for emergency department admission

From: Noninvasive continuous versus intermittent arterial pressure monitoring: evaluation of the vascular unloading technique (CNAP device) in the emergency department

Patients’ characteristics


Sex (male), n (%)

69 (53)

Age, years

66 (51–74)

Height, cm

170 (164–176)

Body weight, kg

73 (65–85)

Reason for emergency department treatment

N (%)


17 (13)

Gastrointestinal bleeding

16 (12)


10 (8)

Hypertensive urgency/emergency

9 (7)

Acute renal failure

8 (6)

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease/Asthma

7 (5)

Acute coronary syndrome

6 (5)

Congestive heart failure

6 (5)


6 (5)

Systemic inflammatory response syndrome/Sepsis

6 (5)

Subdural hematoma

6 (5)

Pulmonary embolism

5 (4)

Severe pancreatitis

5 (4)


23 (18)

  1. Data are presented as absolute and percentage frequencies or as median and interquartile range for continuous parameters. Percentages may not total 100 due to rounding.