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Table 3 Care in wards

From: Hospital out-lying through lack of beds and its impact on care and patient outcome


Non out-lying


Wards length of stay – median day (IC)

7 (4 – 13)

8 (4 – 15) *

Length of stay as out-lying – median day (IC)


1 (1 – 3)

LMWH prescribed during hospitalization – no. (%)

124 (52.10)

104 (42.45) *

Number of biological test during hospitalization (SD)

4.59 (4.57)

5.13 (7.32)

Number of imagery test during hospitalization (SD)

1.41 (2.07)

1.65 (2.47)

  1. * p-value < 0.05.
  2. p-value < 0.01.
  3. LMWH: Low Molecular Weight Heparin.