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Table 2 Consumption of blood products day 1-10 after the trauma incident for patients admitted in the first six months of 2002, 2004 and 2007.

From: Trends in transfusion of trauma victims - evaluation of changes in clinical practice


First six months of 2002

First six months of 2004

First six months of 2007

Relevant p-values

Number of patients transfused with erythrocytes day 1-10


N (% of whole trauma population)

88 (28%)

96 (28%)

107 (23%)


Consumption of erythrocytes


Total (median, mean units per. patient)

842 (5, 9.4)

834 (7.5, 8.7)

729 (5, 6.8)

2002 vs 2007: p = 0.056

Number of patients given plasma


Total (percentage of transfused patients)

26 (30%)

37 (39%)

44 (41%)

2002 vs 2004: p = 0.38


2004 vs 2007: p = 0.26

Consumption of plasma


Total (median, mean units per. patient)

162 (4.5, 6.2)

270 (4, 7.3)

296 (4, 6.7)


Number of patients given trombocytes


Total (percentage of transfused patients)

15 (17%)

19 (22%)

22 (21%)

2002 vs 2004: p = 0.71

Consumption of trombocytes


Total (median, mean units per. patient)

51.5 (3, 3.4)

77 (2, 3.6)

77.5 (2, 3.5)


Total units of erythrocytes consumed by massively transfused patients day 1-2


Total (% of total consumption)

283 (33.6%)

356 (42.7%)

171 (23,5%)


No of erythrocyte unites per massively transfused patient





  1. The table lists total consumption and relevant data for the subgroup of patients receiving the different types of blood products. For comparing consumption of erythrocytes, plasma and trombocytes Mann-Whitney test was employed. Both median and mean values are reported.