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Table 7 The new revised criteria for activation of the trauma team at the University Hospital of North Norway Tromsø

From: Evaluation of a university hospital trauma team activation protocol

Criteria category


Vital functions

1. Airway obstruction, stridor


2. Respiratory rate <10 or >30 (adults)


3. Heart rate >130 (adults)


4. Systolic BP <90 mmHg


5. Lowered level of consciousness (GCS <13) >5 min

Extent of injuries

6. Flail chest


7. Pelvic fracture. Fracture in two or more long bones


8. Traumatic amputation or crush injury above wrist/ankle


9. Injury in two or more body regions (head/neck/chest/abdomen/pelvis/femur/back)


10. Paralysis


11. Penetrating injury of the head/neck/chest/abdomen/pelvis/groin/back


12. 2. or 3. degree burn injury >15% body surface (children >10%)


13. Burn injury with inhalation injury


14. Hypothermia (core temperature <32°C)

Mechanism of

15. Ejected from vehicle


16. Co passenger dead


17. Trapped in wreck


18. Pedestrian or cyclist hit by motor vehicle


19. Fall from >5 m


20. Avalanche accident