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Table 1 Semi-structured questionnaire

From: Differences in trauma team activation criteria among Norwegian hospitals


Answer alternatives

Type of hospital

Local, Central, or Regional

Does the hospital have acute surgical function?

Yes or No

Has the hospital performed trauma team training according to the BEST1 guidelines?

Yes or No

If yes, when was the first training?


Have you been training during the last 12 months?

Yes or No

Does the hospital have a trauma manual or other written guidelines for trauma treatment?

Yes or No

Does the hospital have a defined trauma team?

Yes or No

If yes, does the hospital have predefined criteria concerning when to perform TTA?

If yes, which criteria does the hospital use today?

How were these criteria developed?


Have the criteria been revised?

If yes, when was the last revision?

If you do not have written criteria for TTA, how do you decide whether to activate the trauma team?


Does the hospital have a trauma registry and/or an injury registry?

Yes or No

If yes: trauma registry and/or injury registry

Do you perform regular trauma meetings discussing trauma patients treated by the hospital?

If yes, how often?

Does the hospital have predefined criteria for transfer of trauma patients to higher level treatment facilities?

If yes, which criteria?

Do you plan to change your practice?

If yes, how and when?

Marked questions are presented as results

  1. 1BEST: Better and systematic trauma care -- Foundation