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Table 1 Nomenclature of TEG and ROTEM

From: Thrombelastography and tromboelastometry in assessing coagulopathy in trauma




Clot time


   Period to 2 mm amplitude

R (reaction time)

CT (clotting time)

Clot kinetics


   Period from 2-20 mm amplitude

K (kinetics)

CFT (clot formation time)


α (slope between R and K)

α (slope of tangent at 2 mm amplitude)

Clot strength


   Maximum strength

MA (maximum amplitude)

MCF (maximum clot firmness)

   Clot elasticity


MCE (maximum clot elasticity)

Clot lysis


   Lysis (at fixed time)

Ly30, Ly60 (amplitude reduction 30/60 min after MA)

CL30, CL60 (amplitude reduction 30/60 min after MCF)